Publications and Reports

Annual Report

Annual Report 2023

Business Plan

West Morley Primary School staff and our School Board participate in explicit and detailed school improvement processes with a view to improve student achievement.

The targets and strategies outlined in this Business Plan have been developed through a range of processes incorporating collaborative self-assessment and reflection of our performance against the 2015-2017 Business Plan and evidence based research to guide our future planning including alignment with The Strategic Plan for WA Public Schools 2016 – 2019 and Focus 2019.

This cycle of Evaluate, Respond, Plan and Act will continue to drive school improvement and provide opportunity for all stakeholders to be active participants in the education of students within our care at West Morley Primary School.

Business Plan 2021 – 2023

Public School Review


All Western Australian public schools are reviewed every three years by the Department of Education’s Public School Accountability directorate. A review gives assurance to the local community, the Minister for Education and Training and the Director General that a school is operating effectively and delivering high quality education to its students. The review acknowledges the achievements of the school and gives feedback to support the principal and staff with their improvement planning.

The principal provides the review team with a self-assessment of the school’s performance based on evidence gathered by the principal and staff. Information validated by the review team is considered before and during the school visit. This forms the basis for the school review report. The report is provided to the principal, the chair of the school board/council and the Regional Executive Director.

Expectations of schools

For all Western Australian public schools, expectations are set out in either: the Delivery and Performance Agreement, which is an agreement between the Department (represented by the Director General), school (represented by the principal) and school board (represented by the school board chair); or, the Principals’ Statement of Expectations and the Funding Agreement for Schools.

School performance rating

This performance rating is based on information gained from the self-assessment submission and the validation process. It is focussed on a review of the following areas of school performance: relationships and partnerships; learning environment; leadership; use of resources; teaching quality; and student achievement and progress.

Public School Review Report December 2023

Letter endorsing Public School Review 2023